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How do Cash Flow Problems Arise?

How do Cash Flow Problems Arise?

Are you experiencing cash flow problems? This common phenomenon has led to a decline in lifestyles at personal and family levels. The major sign of a cash flow problem is spending more than you earn. Statistics Canada  cited that for every dollar of household disposal income there were $1.86 in credit market debt.  Various factors will trigger this kind of behaviour.  The article will illustrate how personal cash flow problems arise.

What Are the 6 Causes of Cash Flow Problems?

1. Lack of proper financial planning

Have you ever heard that failure to plan is planning to fail? This saying is proven true when it comes to managing your cash flow. 

Many people encountering financial problems have the same symptom, lack of a proper financial plan.

If you are good at financial planning and cash flow planning, you will understand your expenditures and income. This is critical because you will have the capacity to foresee any cash flow problem that may arise in the future. 

Knowing the problem in advance gives you enough time to adjust your spending habits to avoid a cash crunch.  

If you don’t have a cash flow plan, it’s time to consider having one done.

2. Declining incomes

Loss of income is the worst experience, right? Closure of  a business or losing a job can be the main reason for declining incomes.

If the overhead or committed expenses remain the same despite the declining income, then be ready for a huge cash flow problem.

3. Consistent late incomes

When you start getting your income late, you will end up experiencing a strain on your cash flow.

Remember, some committed expenses do not understand the language of waiting.

As a result, if your payments are delayed beyond the expected time, you will end up sourcing finances from other expensive means.

This calls for you to understand the way your income streams operate and schedule your expenses to synchronize with your payment dates.

4. Poor management of personal items

It can be a costly affair to maintain poor management of household items. The biggest cause of poor management of items is failing to understand your spending habits.

This leads to buying items in excess or less than the required quantities. Any excess items in the house can lead to wastage, while fewer items will require another shopping list.

The best solution to item management in the house is to have proper procedures (such as a shopping list, or rules for buying large household items), laid down to govern your home expenditure.

5. Over borrowing

Do you know that borrowing can become a burden if not well handled?  Huge debt burden is one of the most common cash flow problems experienced by many people.

If you choose to borrow without a proper plan on how the loan will be used and paid back, it becomes a burden.

So, before you acquire any loans, ensure you have a clear plan on its significance and role in running your personal and investment life.

 Also, have timely payment of your debt will positively impact your credit report.

6. Unexpected expenditures

If you find yourself channelling money on an expected expenditure, it can strain your cash flow. Death, sickness, or loss of some personal items can trigger this.  

Find the best solution for the potential risk that may arise for yourself, your family, or item. 

Make sure there is sufficient insurance in place to mitigate these risk that can astronomically impact your cash flow.


Cash flow problems are a major issue that affects all of us at one time or another.  This is not the time to be stressed out over it but to understand your issue and find an appropriate solution.


About Me

Joy A. Adams is the CEO of Covenant Wealth Financial. She is a Certified Cash Flow Specialist and a Group Benefits Advisor with over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry.

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